
Monday 17th February 2020
Kiss goodbye to #MoodyMondays and make them #motivational with the #YesOvens Mood Pro*.
The Mood combination oven, is beautifully designed with the end user in mind.
Providing a simple and responsive digital panel. It is easily usable for even the most techno-phobic chef.
Available in 7 and 11 GN, this electric combination oven can make even the #moodiest meanie smile.
To make that smile sparkle this elegantly designed masterpiece has an Automatic wash function and the ability to save up to 99 recipes, a core probe, adjustable fan speed and many more flawless features - making every day a breeze.
Why not kiss your #MondayBlues Goodbye and give us a call today to find out more about your #PerfectMood!
*Also available in Lite
**Some features only available on pro unit.